Practices of the 1st Church: 1. They WORSHIPPED GOD together. 2. They STUDIED GOD'S WORD together. 3. They PRAYED together. 4. They ATE together. 5. They SACRIFICED together. 6. They…
Reasons to Rejoice at Christmas: 1. God keeps HIS PROMISES. 2. You are MORE LOVED than you know. 3. You are NOT ALONE. Our response: 1. Listen 2. Seek 3.…
Who is this baby? 1. This baby is the God who CREATED AND SUSTAINS the universe. 2. This baby HUMBLED HIMSELF to leave heaven to become a servant. 3. This…
Reasons we don't experience God: 1. We don't KNOW THE PROCESS or we are too impatient with it. 2. We are not DOING WHAT WE KNOW God is already asking…
Main Thought: Pain will eaither be the greatest ROADBLOCK or the greatest PATHWAY to our faith and relationship with God. The ROADBLOCKs to Faith: 1. God is NOT REAL 2.…
Rev 5:9-10; Eph 2:17-19; Gal 4:407 Who is Citylights? We are a people REDEEMED by God, ADOPTED into His family, and given a MISSION to fulfill. Our challenge for 2014…
1. God HATES SIN more than we realize. 2. God LOVES US more than we can imagine. 3. God is patiently WORKING OUT His plan. 4. God gives us all…
Main thought: Religion will get us near the Kingdom of God, but it CANNOT TAKE US INSIDE. What religion tells us to do: 1. SEEK GOD 2. STUDY THE BIBLE…
1. The world cannont satisfy the DEEPEST NEEDS of our heart. 2. Being a good person is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. 3. Spiritual opportunities DON'T LAST FOREVER. 4. It only takes…